Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Western Theme Party

Western Theme SURPRISE 60th Birthday for a dear friend of our family. Her daughters asked for our help and I think we delivered! Thanks to the birthday lady herself for unknowingly letting us borrow supplies!


The drink bar
We used mason jar glasses, tin pails, and pitchers.

Chili beans, mexican cornbread, BBQ pork and buns, corn on the cob,
pasta salad, potato salad, crackers

Yes, that is a covered wagon!
Blue speckled dishes like on the Oregon Trail! Bandanas everywhere!

The venue was the Pavilion at Cove Lake Park in Jacksboro, TN.

This was perfect for the theme with the rustic wood look.

For some reason, I don't have a picture of the tables for eating, but when I find one, I will post it. They had lanterns, the flower centerpieces, and pretend barbed wire all around.

All the tables had the red and white checked table clothes. You can maybe see it in the background of some pictures.

One of the cakes, a guitar wtih strings!

And the fabulous cowboy hat. Yes, this is a cake!

Cakes from IncrEdible Cakery (my mom)

See...told you it was a cake!

We had all the guests dress western and we gave out sherrif badges and bandanas for the bandits. You can see the tables behind with the old-fashioned oil lanterns.

We even had karaoke provided by her best friend. It was a huge hit.

I also did a slideshow, with a projector, of pictures from her life and set it to music. It was pretty fabulous it I do say so myself! Very special memories made.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post! Loved this photograph from Cheery party. Anyways, I am thinking to host a unique party this Christmas. Currently looking for best party venues in Atlanta for hosting a cooled themed party.
